
1.  What were the most interesting parts in this documentary?

Well When They Were Show The Pictures Of  The People That Got Piercings And It Was Kinda Gross Cause A Lady Have Her Face Full Of Piercings.

2.  Name at least three reasons why people get pierces.

1. Cause They Think Its Cool

2. Cause sometimes it is apart of their culture

3. And Cause they Wanna Act Cool With It 

3. Do different pierces say different things about people?  For example, does having your ears pierced say something different then having an eyebrow ring?

I Think because they be asking why you got it and did it hurt like for example i got my Bar which is a piercing and it did hurt and people are asking OMG You got it Did It Hurt blah blah and it kinda gets annoying when they keep asking you the same question.So yea I Think people think different reason about you when you get the piercings and they also think that you got the piercing just to act cool with it.

4.  Is there such a thing as too many pierces?

I Think No Cause Its Up To You How Many Piercings You Want And If You Tried Of Doing Piercing Then To You Is So Much Piercings And To Some Other People A Lot Of Piercing Is Not So Much For Them. So Thats Why I Think There Is No Such A Thing As Too Many Piercings